Under procedure BG05M2OP001-1.001 "Construction and development of centers of excellence" - Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014 - 2020, a contract BG05M2OP001-1.001-0003 was concluded for project „Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information and Communication technologies“ http://ict.acad.bg/
Brief description: The infrastructure will be implemented in two stages, including as follows: 1) Data center with capacity above 3 PB including management servers and servers with high amount of memory for Big Data processing; First stage of Laboratory for 3D digitalization and microstructure analysis with a micron scale resolution; 2) Next generation high-performance computing system with high energy efficiency and peak performance above 1 PFLOP; Second stage of the Laboratory for 3D digitalization including equipment for computed tomography with sub-micron resolution and dynamic phase contrast. The new infrastructure will be integrated into the European electronic infrastructures, thus providing access to resources in EGI and PRACE.
The new CoE is aimed at creating an integrated research electronic environment to solve current problems of high scientific and societal importance.
Project manager: Corresponding Member Dr. Svetozar Dimitrov Margenov
The project implementation period is: August 3, 2018 - December 31, 2023.
- Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - BAS (leading organization)
- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS
- Institute of Mechanics - BAS
- National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - BAS
- Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
- Medical University of Sofia
- Library Studies and Information Technologies University
- Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics - TU Vienna (Austria) - associated academic partner
- Fraunhofer Institute of Industrial Mathematics in Kaiserslautern (Germany) - associated academic partner
- Six high-tech Bulgarian companies - associated industrial partners

Under procedure BG05M2OP001-1.002 "Construction and development of centers for competence" - Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014 - 2020, a contract № BG05М2ОР001-1.002-0002-С01 was concluded for project „Digitalization of Economy in a Big Data Environment“
Brief description: This project proposal envisages establishment of Centre of Competence for Digitalization of the economy in environment of big data in the priority area of "Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies". The proposed Centre of competence on "Digitization of economy in an environment of big data (CC-DEBD)" will be a complex ICT infrastructure with integrated research and organizational structures and with a special focus on the application of research results in various business areas of Bulgaria. We anticipate that research complex to be based on the latest scientific and technological world achievements, international and industrial standards and best business practices. Some of the most prominent national researchers in ICT infrastructure for digitization of the economy based on big data are involved, elite specialists from Europe are also attracted, creating not only a national critical mass of scientists from the high level and technology developers with well-defined organizational structure and their own research and innovation programmes, but also creating a Centre of competence unique in nature and scientific research for Europe. Envisaged structure of the CC-DEBD will perform, on the one hand, scientific research, and on the other - it will create innovative solutions that will ensure the development of companies and organizations in Bulgaria to implement digitalization of their activities with the application of ICT in the environment of big data volumes. Digitization of key economic areas with the application of ICT tools and big data will create a huge domestic potential for increase of competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy. The intended Centre shall cover scientific equipment, archives, structured scientific information combined in a cloud structure, provided with the necessary operating system for functioning of hardware and software.
Project manager: Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev
Project duration: 30 March 2018 - November 2023.
- UNWE – Project Coordinator
- Technical University of Gabrovo
- Economic University of Varna
- Angel Kanchev University of Ruse
- Paisii Hilendarsky University of Plovdiv
- Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- VAPTEH EOOD – associated partner
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa / Faculdade de Ciencieas e Tecnologia – associated partner