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Публикации през 2024

2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

  1. Atanassova, L., Andonov, V.. New Fibonacci-type pulsated sequences. Part 2. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 30, 3, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.7546/nntdm.2024.30.3.634-639, 634-639. JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.4 Q4 (Web of Science)
  2. Barzev, I., Borissova, D., Buhtiyarov, N.. Comparison of different binary classification algorithms for malware detection. Information Technology and Systems. ICITS 2024, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 932, Springer, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-54235-0_33, 369-378. SJR (Scopus):0.17 Q4 (Scopus)
  3. Blagoev, I., Borissova, D.. Secure techniques for further Linux mail server protection against compromised accounts. 2024 5th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), IEEE, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/CIEES62939.2024.10811308 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
  4. Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Naidenov, N., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, M, Blagoev, I.. Digitalization challenges: A decision-making model for SCADA systems staff selection. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, 21, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.37394/23207.2024.21.152, SJR (Scopus):0.18 Q4 (Scopus)
  5. Borissova, D., Naidenov, N., Yoshinov, R.. Digital transformation assessment model based on indicators for operational and organizational readiness and business value. Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability. ARTIIS 2023 Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1935, Springer, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-48858-0_36, SJR (Scopus):0.19 Q4 (Scopus)
  6. Borissova, D. Decision-Making in Design, Maintenance, Planning, and Investment of Wind Energy. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 355, 2024, ISBN:978-3-031-52218-5, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-52219-2, 280 Реномирано международно издателство (Scopus)
  7. Danev, V., Atanasova, T., Dineva, K., Blagoev, I., Petrov, P., Markov, N., Hristov, M., Stoycheva, S., Mondeshka, L., Valova, I., Valov, N., Mladenova, Ts.. Multisensor System for Measuring Air Components in Intelligent Animal Husbandry. 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE) 27-29 June 2024, IEEE, 2024, ISBN:ISBN 979-8-3503-6938-0, DOI:10.1109/EEAE60309.2024.10600612, 1-4 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)
  8. Dimitrov, V., Dimitrova, Z.. Information System for Generating Schedules for Preventive Examinations: An Algorithmic Implementation. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 81, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.7546/PECR.82.24.01, 3-20 Национално академично издателство
  9. Dimitrova, Z., Borissova, D., Dimitrov, V.. A methodology for alternatives ranking by estimations forming based on values from criteria decomposition into options. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 21, 2024, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.37394/23207.2024.21.176, 2136-2144. SJR (Scopus):0.18 Q4 (Scopus)
  10. Dimitrova, Z., Borissova, D., Dimitrov, V.. Web application based on serverless architecture to support group decision-making by scoring models. 2024 5th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), IEEE, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/CIEES62939.2024.10811190 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
  11. Fidanova S., Kirilov L., Ivanov V., Ganzha M.. Hospital Patient Distribution After Earthquake. Annals of Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, 39, Polish information and processing sociaty, 2024, ISSN:2300-5963, DOI:10.15439/2024F5777, 597-601 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
  12. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Kirilov L., Ivanov V.. Generalized Net for Diabetics Evacuation After Earthquake. 2024, ISBN:78-619-7320-11-4, 9-10 Национално академично издателство
  13. Guliashki V., Marinova G.. Impact of Cyber Attacs on Human’s health. Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Technologies for Defense and Security TechDefense 2024, Napoli, Italy, 2024, ISBN:979-8-3315-0557-8, pp. 19-23 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)
  14. Guliashki, V., Marinova, G.. Drones neutralisation, drone defense solutions. Proceedings of the IC-UBT 2024, 13th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation, Computer Science and Communication Engineering (CSCE) 2024, UBT, Prishtina, Kosovo, 2024, ISBN:978-9951-982-15-3, 340-345 Национално неакадемично издателство
  15. Guliashki, V., Marinova, G.. Optimal Energy Management for Grid-Connected Microgrid Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications CoBCom 2024, Graz, Austria, 2024, DOI:10.1109/CoBCom62281.2024.10631263 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Web of Science)
  16. Guliashki, V., Music, G., Marinova, G.. An Efficient Algorithm for Scheduling Aircraft Landing Problem. Proceedings of the International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications CoBCom 2024, Graz, Austria, 2024, DOI:10.1109/CoBCom62281.2024.10631175 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
  17. Mankolli, E.. Optimization methods for machine learning applications. Автореферати на дисертации, 6, Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии - БАН, 2024, ISSN:1314-6351 Национално академично издателство
  18. Mateeva, G., Parvanov, D., Tomov, P.. Using DNA Analogy in Genetic Algorithms Instead of RNA Analogy. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 81, 2024, ISSN:2738-7356, DOI:10.7546/PECR.81.24.02, 13-22 Национално академично издателство
  19. Naka, E.. A Feature Importance Method based on Cosine Similarity and Metaheuristic Algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (IICAIET), 2024, DOI:10.1109/IICAIET62352.2024.10730587, 18-23 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
  20. Stoyanova, K., Guliashki, V.. Group drop of sustainability: Trade-off solutions between low returns and portfolio stability. Computers and Informatics, 4, 1, DergiPark Akademik, 2024, ISSN:2757-8259, DOI:10.62189/ci.1271141, 13-19 Международно академично издателство
  21. Stoyanova, K., Benotsmane, R., Grigorova, V.. Cryptocurrencies portfolio optimization with an EFA solution. Proceedings of ICT Innovations Conference, 2024, 2-12 Национално академично издателство
  22. Tomov, P., Zankinski, I., Balabanov, T.. Cybersecurity in Donated Distributed Computing for Evolutionary Algorithms. Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience. DIGILIENCE 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1790, Springer, 2024, ISBN:978-3-031-44439-5, ISSN:1865-0929, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-44440-1_17, 107-112. SJR (Scopus):0.19 Q4 (Scopus)
  23. Матеева, Г., Керемедчиев, Д., Томов, П., Занкински, И., Балабанов, Т.. Намиране на последователни ходове за решаване на комбинаторни пъзели. Механика Транспорт Комуникации, 22, 3/2, Печатна база на ВТУ "Тодор Каблешков", 2024, ISSN:1312-3823, VII-8-VII-13 Национално академично издателство
  24. Митев, Я.. Модели и методи за вземане на решения за управление на процеси в Инфраструктурната библиотека за информационни технологии (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). Автореферати на дисертации, 7, Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии - БАН, 2024, ISSN:1314-6351 Национално академично издателство
  25. Bankovska, M., Rasheva-Yordanova, K., Borissova, D., Stoev, S.. Analysis and classification of Methods and Tools Applicable to e-Learning. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 936, Springer, 2024, ISSN:23673370, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-54327-2_24, 232-242. SJR (Scopus):0.17 Q4 (Scopus)
  26. Chikalanov, A., Kirilov, L., Nikolov, R., Lyubenova, M., Petkov, Y.. A Prototype of Big Data Platform for Seniors Care. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 77, 6, 2024, 871-880. SJR (Scopus):0.16, JCR-IF (Web of Science):15.3 Q3 (Scopus)
  27. Garvanov, I., Garvanova, M., Tsonkov, G., Garvanova, D., Mindova, M., Borissova, D.. Signal detection in impulse interference. 2024 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/ICAI63388.2024.10851678, 368-372 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
  28. Iliev, I., Rasheva-Yordanova, K., Borissova, D.. Challenges in geolocation for logistics delivery: A case study on the accuracy in Bulgaria of google maps directions API. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 523, Springer, 2024, ISSN:18651348, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-64073-5_19, 283-292. SJR (Scopus):0.34 Q3 (Scopus)
  29. Ivanov V., Atanassov K., Kirilov L., Fidanova S.. Generalized Net for Invalides Evacuation After Earthquake. 2024, ISBN:78-619-7320-11-4, 27-28 Национално академично издателство
  30. Ivanova, T., Staneva, A., Borissova, D., Rasheva-Yordanova, K.. Chat GPT performance evaluation model for learning. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 936, Springer, 2024, ISSN:23673370, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-54327-2_15, 149-157. SJR (Scopus):0.17 Q4 (Scopus)
  31. Marinova, G., Hajrizi, E., Guliashki, V.. Smart Energy Management in an University Campus Microgrid. Proceedings of the 7th International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom 2024), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2024, ISBN:9798350365962, pp. 76-81 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)
  32. Shouffi, O., Shaglil, I., Stayanova, K., Benotsmane, R.. Design and Implementation of DOA Algorithms for Smart Antenna Systems. In Proc. of 25th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), IEEE, 2024, DOI:DOI: 10.1109/ICCC62069.2024.10569403 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)

Актуализация: Февруари 2025