Публикации през 2016
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
- Кирилов, Л., Гуляшки, В., Генова, K.. Многокритериално вземане на решения в задачи за производствени разписания. Изд. Образование, 2016, ISBN:978-954-552-074-7, 281
Статии в списания
- Atanassova, L. Remark on Dworniczak's intuitionistic fuzzy implications. Part 3. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 22, 1, 2016, ISSN:1310–4926, 1-6
- Borissova D., I. Mustakerov, D. Korsemov. Business intelligence system via group decision making. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 16, 3, 2016, ISSN:1311-9702, 219-229. SJR:0.17
- Borissova D., I. Mustakerov. A framework for designing of optimization software tools by commercial API implementation. Int. Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 2, 10, 2016, ISSN:2454-1311, 1790-1795
- Borissova, D., I. Mustakerov, D. Korsemov, V. Dimitrova. Evaluation and Selection of ERP Software by SMART and Combinatorial Optimization. Int. Journal Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 18, 1, 2016, ISSN:1841-4311, 145-152
- Borissova, D. Group decision making for selection of k-best alternatives.. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 69, 2, 2016, ISSN:1310-1331, 183-190. ISI IF:0.233
- Evtimov G., Keremedchiev D., Barova M. Image vectorization and colors reduction with ant colony optimization. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 2, 5, 2016, ISSN:1857-8365, 153-160
- Kirilov, L., Guliashki, V., Genova, K., Angelova, V. An overview of miltiple objective job shop scheduling techniques. Jokull Journal, 66, 2, Jokull, 2016, ISSN:0449-0576, 172-206. ISI IF:0.833
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, Hr. Conversion of Wind Energy into Rotational Mechanical-and its Impact on Wind Power Generators. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 67, 2016, ISSN:ISSN:0204-9848, 03-10
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, Hr. Optimal Cutting of the Glass and the Profiles for Joinery Work with Application of Genetic Algorithms. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 18, 5, Ver. VI, IOSR, 2016, ISSN:e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, DOI:DOI:10.9790/0661-1805068085, 80-85. IF:1.213
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, Hr. Optimal Planning of the Production of Corpus Details on Metal Cutting Machines with the Help of Computer Numeric Control. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 18, 5, Ver. VI, IOSR, 2016, ISSN:e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, DOI:DOI:10.9790/0661-1805068690, 86-90. IF:1.213
- Marinova, G., Guliashki, V. Energy Scheduling for Island Microgrid Applications. Journal of Communication and Computer, 13, 6, David Publishing, 2016, ISSN:1548-7709 (Print), DOI:10.17265/1548-7709/2016.06.002, 281-290
- Tashev, P., Koprinkova-Hristova, P., Petrov, T., Kirilov, L., Lukarski, Y. Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Parameters of the Mode for Tungsten-Inert Gas Reelting with Nanomodification of the Surface Layer. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 24, 4, ???, 2016, ISSN:0861-9786, 230-243
- Ташев, П. Ч., Кирилов, Л. М., Петров, Т., Копринкова-Христова, П., Лукарски, Я. Б. Оптимизация на параметрите на режима на ИВИГ претопяване при наномодифициране на повърхностни слоеве на детайли от конструкционна стомана. Научни известия на НТСМ, 187, 1, 2016, ISSN:1310-3946, 118-121
- Ташев, П. Ч., Копринкова-Христова, П., Петров, Т., Кирилов, Л. М., Лукарски, Я. Б. Математично моделиране на влиянието на параметрите на режима върху геометричните размери на шева при ИВИГ претопяване и наномодифициране на повърхностни слоеве на образци от конструкционна стомана. Научни известия на НТСМ, 187, 1, 2016, ISSN:1310-3946, 110-113
Публикации в сборници от конференции
- Balabanov, T., Barova, M., Keremedchiev, D. Image construction with 2D ellipses by genetic algorithms optimization. Proc. of 11th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM BGSIAM’16 December 20-22, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, Fastumprint, 2016, ISSN:1313-3357, 10-11
- Balabanov, T., Keremedchiev, D., Goranov, I. Web Distributed Computing For Evolutionary Training Of Artificial Neural Networks. Proc. of Int. Conference InfoTech-2016, Publishing House of Technical University - Sofia, 2016, ISSN:1314-1023, 210-216
- Goranov, I., Guliashki, V. Electoral Systems and Factors for Voting Results Distortion. Proc. of Int. Conference Information Technologies (InfoTech 2016), 30-th issue, 2016, ISSN:1314-1023, 134-145
- Keremedchiev D., Barova M., Tomov P. Mobile application as distributed computing system for artificial neural networks training used in perfect information games. Proc. of Int. Scientific Conference Unitech Gabrovo 2016, II, University Publishing House “V. APRILOV” – Gabrovo, 2016, ISSN:1313-230X, 389-393
- Keremedchiev D., Peneva J. Comparing Results Of Traditional And E-Testing. Proc. of Contemporary Distance Learning: Trends, policies and good practices, IBS PRESS, 2016, ISBN:978-954-9432-70-1, 385-396
- Keremedchiev, D., Kirilov, L. Multimedia classroom model for e-learning and content creation. Proc. of sixth national conference on e-learning in higher education (R. Peytcheva-Forsyth – Ed.), June 2016, Kiten, Bulgaria, Publisher SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2016, ISBN:978-954-07-4114-7, 187-191
- Marinova G., Guliashki V. Economic Energy Scheduling of an Islanded Microgrid. Proc. of Int. Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST2016, (Ed. Prof. Dr. Mitrovski, C.), 2016, ISBN:978-9989-786-78-5, 339-342
- Peneva J., Keremedchiev D. Teacher’s presence and immediacy in e-learning classes. Proc. of National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Асоциация "Развитие на информационното общество" съвместно с ИМИ-БАН, 2016, ISSN:1314-0752, 73-77
- Stoyanova, K., Guliashki, V. A FFO-PS Hybrid Algorithm for Portfolio Selection. Proc. of Int. Conference Information Technologies (InfoTech 2016), 30-th issue, 2016, ISSN:1314-1023, 42-52
- Stoyanova, K., Guliashki, V. MOEAs' Applications in the Finance Area. Proceedings of International Conference Information Technologies (InfoTech 2016), 30-th issue, 2016, ISSN:1314-1023, 31-41
- Tochev A., Guliashki V. A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling "PSO&TS. Proc. of Int. Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST2016, (Ed. Prof. Dr. Mitrovski, C.), 2016, ISBN:978-9989-786-78-5, 231-234
- Tochev A. Heuristics and Metaheuristics for Single- and Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Proc. of Int. Conference Information Technologies (InfoTech 2016), 30-th issue, (Editor Prof. Radi Romanski), 2016, ISSN:1314-1023, 124-133
- Стоянова, Кр. Облакови технологии и тяхното приложение в задачите от изчилителната биология. SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF UNIVERSITY OF FOOD TECHNOLOGIES PLOVDIV, LXII, 2016, ISSN:1314-7102, 696-701
Актуализация: Април 2017