Публикации през 2015
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
- Bantutov, E. Night Vision Devices? It is simple!, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN:978-3-659-63536-6, 124 pages
- Борисова, Д. Уреди за нощно виждане: Моделиране и оптимално проектиране. Издателство на БАН „Проф. МАРИН ДРИНОВ“, 2015, ISBN:978-954-322-821-8, 202 стр.
- Borissova, D. NIGHT VISION DEVICES - Modeling and Optimal Design. Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House, 2015, ISBN:ISBN 978-954-322-829, 195 pages
Статии в списания
- Atanassova, L. Remark on Dworniczak’s intuitionistic fuzzy implications. Part 1. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, ISSN:1310-4926, 21, 3, 2015, 18 - 23
- Borissova, D. An Optimal Staffing and Scheduling Approach in Open Shop Environment. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN: 1310-1331, 68, 10, 2015, pp. 1295 - 1300, ISI IF:0.284
- Borissova, D. Single- and Multicriteria Models and Algorithms for Optimal Design, Planning and Management of Engineering Systems. Abstracts of Dissertations of IICT-BAS, ISSN:1314-6351, 4, 2015, pp. 1 - 60
- Borissova D., Tabakova, E., Grigorova, V. An Architecture of Web-based Application for Thyroid Disease Identifying. Trends Journal of Sciences Research, ISSN:2377-8091, 2, 1, 2015, pp. 46 - 49
- Borissova, D., Mustakerov, I. E-learning tool for visualization of shortest paths algorithms. Trends Journal of Sciences Research, ISSN:2377-8091, 2, 3, 2015, pp. 84 - 89
- Borissova, D., Mustakerov, I. Open job shop scheduling via enumerative combinatorics. Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, ISSN:1998-0140, 9, 2015, pp. 120 - 127
- Genova, K., Kirilov, L., Guliashki, V. A Survey of Solving Approaches for Multiple Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, ISSN: 1311-9702, 2, 2015, pp. 3 - 22. SJR:0.212
- Kirilov, L., Guliashki, V., Genova, K., Zhivkov, P., Staykov, B., Vatov, D. Interactive Environment WebOptim for Solving Multiple-Objective Problems Using Scalarising and Evolutionary Approaches. International Journal for Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, ISSN: 1755-0564 (online), 1755-0556 (print), Vol. 7, 1/2, 2015, DOI:10.1504/IJRIS.2015.070907, pp. 4 - 15. SJR:0.109
- Korsemov Ch., Toshev Hr. Optimal Planning of the Production of Corpus Details on Metal Cutting Machines with the Help of Computer Numeric Control. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, ISSN:0204-9848, 2015, pp. 33 - 42
- Korsemov, Ch., Toshev, H. I. Optimal Cutting of the Glass and the Profiles for Joinery Work. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 66, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, ISSN:0204-9848, 2015, pp. 3 - 10
- Mustakerov, I., Borissova, D. Combinatorial optimization modeling approach for one-dimensional cutting stock problems. Int. Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, ISSN:2074-1308, 9, 2015, pp. 13 - 18
- Стоянова, Кр. Биоинформатика-наука на новото време. Варненски медицински форум, ISSN: 2367-5519, т. 4, брой 2, 2015, pp. 7-14
Публикации в сборници от конференции
- Goranov I. Comparative Analysis of the Electoral Distribution Methods in Bulgarian Voting Legislation. 29-th International Conference on Information Technologies „InfoTech - 2015”, 1, 29, 2015, ISSN:1314-1023, 61 - 68
- Guliashki, V., Kirilov, L. A Promethee-based Approach to Multi-Criteria Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of Papers of the L International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST'2015, (Ed.: Assoc. Prof. Kalin Dimitrov, PhD), June 24 – 26, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015, ISBN:978-619-167-182-3, 113 - 116
- Guliashki, V., Kirilov, L. A Reference Point Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Criteria Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Proceedings of the International Conference Information Technologies (InfoTech 2015), 29-th issue, (Ed. Prof. Radi Romanski), 17-18. September, 2015, Varna – St. St. Constantine and Elena resort, Bulgaria, 2015, ISSN:1314-1023, 10 - 18
- Kirilov, L., Guliashki, V. Generating Feasible Schedules for Flexible Job Shop Problems. Proceedings of Papers of the International Conference "Automatics and Informatics'2015", 04.-07. October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015, ISSN:1313-1850, CD-ISSN: 1313-1869, pp. 127 - 130
- Stoyanova, Kr. Optimization Model of Loan Portfolio. Sixth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2015 South-West University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 10 – 14 June 2015, 1, South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 2015, ISSN:ISSN 1314-0272, pp. 38 - 43
- Tochev, A. Еволюционни изчислителни алгоритми. Series B. Natural Sciences and the Humanities, XVII, Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists Plovdiv, 2015, ISSN:1311-9192, pp. 147 – 152
Актуализация: Април 2016