Публикации през 2017
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
Статии в списания
- Atanassova, L., Properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy implication →189. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 23, 4, 2017, ISSN:1310–492, 10-14.
- Atanassova, L. Intuitionistic fuzzy implication →189. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 23, 1, 2017, ISSN:1310–492, 14-20.
- Batarfi H., Bootland N., San Juan I. I., Please C., Raffaelli M., Stoyanova Chokova K., Toshev A. Modelling Socio-Hystorical Dynamics. ESGI129 Study Group Report (2017), 2017, ISSN:2167-5163, 1-14.
- Borissova D., I. Mustakerov. Wind power plant layout design and assessment considering forbidden zones for location of turbines. Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 19, 1, 2017, ISSN:1841-4311, 29-38.
- Borissova D., Mustakerov, I. Mixed-integer model for placement of objects avoiding forbidden zones. Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 70, 9, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2017, ISSN:1310–1331, 1297-1304. ISI IF:0.251
- Borissova, D., I. Mustakerov. A two-stage placement algorithm with multi-objective optimization and group decision making. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 17, 1, 2017, ISSN:1311-9702, 87-103. SJR:0.203
- Borissova, D., I. Mustakerov. Optimal planning of wind farm layout and integration to electric grid infrastructure. MAJLESI Journal of Electrical Engineering, 11, 3, 2017, ISSN:2345-377X, 1-5.
- Borissova, D., I. Mustakerov. Designing of wind farm layout by using of multi-objective optimization. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. ISSN: 1998-0140, Vol. 11, 2017, pp. 290-295.
- Borissova, D., I. Mustakerov. Selection of ERP via cost-benefit analysis under uncertainty conditions. Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 19, 2, 2017, ISSN:1841-4311, 177-186.
- Keremedchiev, D. Analysis of traditional and online assessment in computer science courses. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal Scienfific Papers, 19, 2, Institute of knowledge management - Skopje, 2017, ISSN:2545-4439 (printed), 1857-923X (e-version), 561-566.
- Kirilov, K., Keremedchiev, D. A Multiobjective Model for Test Assembling Optimisation. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal Scienfific Papers, 20, 5, Institute of knowledge management - Skopje, 2017, ISSN:2545-4439 (printed), 1857-923X (e-version), 2165-2169.
- Kirilov, L., Guliashki, V. An Algorithm for Generating a Dispersed Population of Feasible Schedules for Flexible Job Shop Problems. The Journal of Information Technologies and Control, 14, 3, (in press)
- Korsemov, Ch. D., Toshev, H.I. System for Obtaining Three-Phase Voltage from Mono-Phase Voltage. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 69, BAS, 2017, ISSN:0204-9848, in print
- Mitev, Y., Kirilov, L. Key concepts of the deployment of the Information Technologies Infrastructure Library (ITIL) - structure, conceptions, deployment. The Journal of Information Technologies and Control, 14, 2, 2017, Online ISSN 1312-2622, under pres
- Mustakerov I., Borissova D. A framework for development of e-learning system for computer programming: Application in the C programming language. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 13, 2, 2017, ISSN:1826-6223, 89-101. SJR:0.17
Публикации в сборници от конференции
- Guliashki, V., Marinova, G., Atanasijević-Kunc, M. Multi-objective Schedule Optimization in an Islanded Microgrid. Proc. of the Twenty-sixth International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2017, (Editors A. Žemva, A. Trost), Slovenian Section IEEE, Portorož, Slovenija, 25-26 September, 2017, Društvo Slovenska sekcija IEEE (IEEE Slovenia Section), 2017, ISSN:2591-0442 (online) , 1581-4572 (print), 252-255.
- Guliashki, V., Marinova, G. Optimization of Energy Storage Capacity in an Islanded Microgrid. Proc. of Papers of LII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST2017, (Ed. Prof. Dr. Milovanovic, B.), Niš, Serbia, 28-30 June, 2017, vol. 1, 2017, ISBN:978-86-6125-108-5, 193-196
- Keremedchiev D., Tomov P., Barova M. Slot Machine Base Game Evolutionary RTP Optimization. Sixth Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications (NAA'16), 10187, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2017, ISBN:978-3-319-57098-3, DOI:10.1007, 406-413. SJR:0.339
- Keremedchiev, D., Peneva, J. Comparison of online and traditional in class exams in computer science courses. Proc. of National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Асоциация "Развитие на информационното общество" съвместно с ИМИ-БАН, 2017, ISSN:1314-0752, 69-78.
- Kirilov L. K., Guliashki V. G., Keremedchiev D. A Method for solving Flexible Job Shop Pproblems With Multiple Objectives. Int. Conf. AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS‛2017 PROCEEDINGS Bulgaria, Sofia, October 4 - 6, 2017, JOHN ATANASOFF SOCIETY OF AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, 2017, ISSN: 1313-1850 CD: ISSN 1313-1869, 165-168.
- Peneva, J., Keremedchiev, D., Dzhambazov, V. Instructor’s presence in student-centered learning. Proc. of 13th Annual Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, 2017, ISSN:1313-8624, 159-172
- Tochev A., Guliashki, V. Enhanced PSO Algorithm for Single-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Information Technologies (InfoTech 2017), 31-th issue, (Ed. Prof. Dr. Radi Romanski), 2017, ISSN:1314-1023, 17-26
- Горанов И., Станев А. Алтернативни системи за мажоритарен избор в многомандатни райони. V Национална конференция по изборни системи, второ издание, „Българска асоциация по изборни системи“ - БАИС, 2017, ISSN:2367-687-6.
- Мясниченко, В.С., Ершов, П.М., Сдобняков, Н.Ю., Mikhov, R., Kirilov, L. О ТЕРМИЧЕСКОЙ СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ КЛАСТЕРОВ МЕДИ С РАЗМЕРОМ 100 - 150 АТОМОВ, ФИЗИКО-ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ КЛАСТЕРОВ, НАНОСТРУКТУР И НАНОМАТЕРИАЛОВ. МЕЖВУЗОВСКИЙ СБОРНИК НАУЧНЫХ ТРУДОВ, Твер, Россия, выпуск 9, «Тверской государственный университет», Россия, 2017, ISBN:ISBN 978-5-7609-1275-6, ISSN:ISSN 2226-4442, DOI:https://doi.org/10.26456/pcascnn/2017.9.330, 330-336
- Станев А., Горанов И. Управление на риска при компютърната обработка на резултатите от изборите. V Национална конференция по изборни системи, второ издание, „Българска асоциация по изборни системи“ - БАИС, 2017, ISSN:2367-687-6.
Актуализация: Април 2018