Публикации през 2020
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
- Atanassova, L.. A new operator over intitionistic fuzzy sets. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 26, 1, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020, DOI:10.7546/nifs.2020.26.1.23-27, 23-27
- Balabanov, T., Zankinski, I., Tomov, P., Petrov, P., Kostadinov, G.. Distributed Computing Cybersecurity in Donated Computing Resources For Evolutionary Algorithms. Сборник на научна конференция "Актуални проблеми на сигурността", Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, 2020, ISSN:2367-7473, 697-704
- Balabanov, T., Ivanov, S., Ketipov, R.. Solving Combinatorial Puzzles with Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms. Lectures Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11958, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-41031-5, 493-500.
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Dimitrov, V.. How to Support Teams to be Remote and Productive: Group Decision-Making for Distance Collaboration Software Tools. Information and Security, 46, 1, 2020, DOI:https://doi.org/10.11610/isij.4603, 36-52
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I., Cvetkova, P., Dimitrov, V., Pandulis, A.. Two-stage Decision-Making Approach to Survey the Excessive Usage of Smart Technologies. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 73, 2020, ISSN:0204-9848, 3-16
- Borissova, D., Keremedchiev, D., Tuparov, G.. Multi-criteria model for questions selection in generating e-education tests involving gamification.. TEM JOURNAL – Technology, Education, Management, Informatics, 9, 2, 2020, ISSN:2217-8309, 779-785.
- Borissova, D., Keremedchiev, D.. Generation of e-learning tests with different degree of complexity by combinatorial optimization. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 16, 2, 2020, ISSN:1826-6223, DOI:https://doi.org/10.20368/1971-8829/1135016, 17-24.
- Borissova, D., Keremedchiev, D.. Intelligent system for generation and evaluation of e-learning tests using integer programming. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1126, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-39236-9, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39237-6_7, 97-110.
- Borissova, D., Keremedchieva, N., Keremedchiev, D.. Business Intelligence Approach to Support Decision Making in Publishing Sector. Business Intelligence Systems /miproBIS, IEEE Xplore, 2020, ISSN:1847-3946, 1532-1537
- Borissova, D., Korsemov, D., Keremedchieva, N.. Generalized Approach to Support Business Group Decision-Making by Using of Different Strategies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12133, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-47678-6, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47679-3_11, 122-133.
- Borissova, D., Cvetkova, P., Garvanov, I., Garvanova, M.. A framework of business intelligence system for decision making in efficiency management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12133, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-47678-6, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47679-3_10, 111-121.
- Borissova, D., Garvanova, M., Dimitrova, Z., Pandulis, A., Garvanov, I.. Decision Support Framework for Composing of Different Questionnaires based on Business Model with Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12482, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-62508-5, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62509-2_5, 50-61.
- Borissova, D.. Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making Model for Selection of Green Building Project. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-42851-8, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42852-5_11, 137-146.
- Dimitrova, Z., Dimitrov, V., Borissova, D., Garvanov, I., Garvanova, M.. Two-Stage Search-Based Approach for Determination and Sorting of Mountain Hiking Routes using Directed Weighted Multigraph. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 20, 6, 2020, ISSN:1311-9702, DOI:10.2478/cait-2020-0058, 28-39.
- Guliashki, V., Marinova G.. “Optimization Approach for Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Buildings in a Microgrid”. Proceedings of IEICE ICTF 2020 conference, 2020, ISBN:978-83-932602-8-7, 26-29
- Keremedchiev, D., Borissova, D., Tuparov, G.. An Algorithm for Assessment of Students Using Gamification. IEEE Xplore, 2020, ISSN:1847-3946, 721-725
- Ketipov, R., Kostadinov, G., Petrov, P., Zankinski, I., Balabanov, T.. Genetic Algorithm Based Formula Generation for Curve Fitting in Time Series Forecasting Implemented as Mobile Distributed Computing. Proceedings of Advances in High Performance Computing, 902, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-55346-3, 40-47.
- Kostadinov, G., Tomov, P., Zankinski, I.. Curve Fitting Motivated Differential Evolution Mutation. 15th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM December 15 - 17, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria (BGSIAM'20), Fastum Print, 2020, 27-27
- Mikhov R., Myasnichenko V., Kirilov L., Sdobnyakov N., Matrenin P., Sokolov D.,, Fidanova S.. A Two-Stage Monte Carlo Approach for Optimization of Bimetallic Nanostructures. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 21, 2020, ISBN:978-83-955416-7-4, ISSN:2300-5963, DOI:10.15439/2020F135, 285-288
- Petrov, I.. Framing the Structural Space in Entropy and Hierarchy, 15th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM December 15 - 17, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria,. BGSIAM"20, Fastumprint, 2020, 35-36
- Petrov, I.. Information theory with new vision on hierarchy and evolution in dynamic sytems. BGSIAM"19 Extented Abstracts, Fastumprint, 2020, ISSN:1313-3357, 77-78
- Petrov, P., Kostadinov, G., Zhivkov, P., Velichkova, V., Balabanov, T.. Approximate Sequencing of Virtual Reels with Genetic Algorithms. Proc. of the XXIII International Scientific Conference - DCCN'2020, ИПУ РАН, 2020, ISBN:978-5-91450-248-2, 507-514
- Petrov, P., Kostadinov, G., Zhivkov, P., Velichkova, V., Keremedchieva, N.. Mobile Distributed Computing for Artifical Neural Networks Training in Perfect Information Games. Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция, Научно направление „Технически науки”, 28-29 май 2020 г., Велико Търново, България, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, 2020, ISSN:2367-7481, 2083-2089
- Tomov, P., Zankinski, I., Balabanov, T.. Server Side Vote Clustering in Human-Computer Distributed Computing. Journal on Information Technologies and Control, 2, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2020, ISSN:1312-2622, DOI:10.7546/itc-2019-0008, 15-19
- Tomov, P., Zankinski, I., Danev, V.. Local Search, Brute-Force and Recursion for Selection Operator. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 74, 2020, ISSN:2738-7356, DOI:10.7546/PECR.74.20.03, 24-32
- Zankinski. I., Kolev, K., Balabanov, T.. Alternatives for Neighborhood Function in Kohonen Maps. Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 11958, Springer, 2020, 540-544.
- Петров, И.И.. Йерархия на структурата на енергийните баланси. Сборник научни публикации от ХХVIII Международен симпозиум "Управление на енергийни индустриални и екологични системи", 12-13 ноември 2020 г., София, Съюз по автоматика и информатика "Джон Атанасов", 2020, ISSN:1313-2237, 23-26
- Петров, П., Костадинов, Г., Живков, П., Величкова, В., Балабанов, Т.. Приблизителна реконструкция на последователности с генетични алгоритми. 28-ми Международен симпозиум „Управление на енергийни, индустриални и екологични системи”, 2020, ISSN:1313-2237, 63-66
- Петров, П., Костадинов, Г., Живков, П., Величкова, В., Керемедчиева, Н.. G code векторизация след редукция на цветовете за изрисуване с плотер. Доклади на 28-ми Международен симпозиум „Управление на енергийни, индустриални и екологични системи”, 12-13 ноември 2020, София, България, Съюз по Автоматика и Информатика, 2020, 73-76
- Bureva, V., Atanassova, L., Atanassov, K.. Game method for modelling with temporal intuitionistic fuzzy evaluations for locating the wildfire ignition point. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 26, 4, "Prof. Marin Drinov" Acad. Publ. House, 2020, DOI:10.7546/nifs.2020.26.4.90-106, 90-106
- Cvetkova, P., Pandulis, A., Borissova, D.. Application of information technologies to support mathematically reasoned decisions.. Proc. “Knowledge Society and 21st Century Humanism”, Academic Publishing House “Za Bukvite - O Pismeneh”, 2020, ISSN:2683-0094, 488-496
- Garvanov, I., Kabakchiev, Ch., Garvanova, M., Borissova, D., Dimitrov, G.. Diffraction Models from Opaque Objects Simulated by Fourier Transform. International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing, 2020, ISBN:978-1-4503-7730-0, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3430116.3430121, 24-29
- Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I., Borissova, D.. The influence of electromagnetic fields on human brain. 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus & Technologies (SIELA), IEEE, 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-4346-0, DOI:10.1109/SIELA49118.2020.9167099
- Georgiev P., Garbatov Y., Kirilov L., Denev Y.. Multi attribute design decision solution of MPV accounting for shipyard building constraints. Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of the Maritme Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2019), September 9-11, 2019, Varna, Bulgaria (Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering Series), 3, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, ISBN:978-0-367-40951-7, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1201/9780367810085, 354-361
- Mankolli E., Guliashki, V.. Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing: Review of Models and Optimization Problems. Dimitrova V., Dimitrovski I. (eds) ICT Innovations 2020. Machine Learning and Applications. ICT Innovations 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1316. Springer,, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-62097-4, ISSN:1865-0937, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62098-1_7, 71-86.
- Myasnichenko V., Sdobnyakov N., Kirilov L., Mikhov R., Fidanova S.. Structural Instability of Gold and Bimetallic Nanowires Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 838, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-22723-4, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22723-4_9, 133-145.
- Мясниченко В.С., Михов Р., Кирилов Л., Сдобняков Н.Ю., Соколов Д.Н.. Изучение закономерностей диффузионной сегрегации в биметаллических ультратонких пленках. X Международная научная конференция «Химическая термодинамика и кинетика», 25-29 мая 2020, Великий Новгород: сборник научных трудов., Великий Новгород: Новгородский государственный университет имени Ярослава Мудрого, 2020.
Актуализация: Февруари 2021