Публикации през 2022
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
- Atanassova, Lilija, Dworniczak, Piotr. The weak intuitionistic fuzzy implication based on ?* operation. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 28, 1, 2022, DOI:10.7546/nifs.2022.28.1.1-10, 1-10 Национално академично издателство
- Borissova, D., Buhtiyarov, N., Yoshinov, R., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I.. Integrated Models-Driven Framework to Generate Various Online and Print Tests. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13293, Springer, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10539-5_23, 316-329. SJR (Scopus):0.41 Q2 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Danev, V., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I., Yoshinov, R.. Key Indicators to Measure Student Performance in IoT and their Teamwork Ability. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96296-8_64, 711-720. SJR (Scopus):0.15 Q4 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Danev, V., Garvanova, M., Yoshinov, R., Garvanov, I.. Identification of the Important Parameters for Ranking of Open-Source Home Automation Platforms for IoT Management. 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92604-5_28, 310-319. SJR (Scopus):0.17 Q4 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Danev, V., Rashevski, M., Garvanov, I., Yoshinov, R., Garvanova, M.. Using IoT for Automated Heating of a Smart Home by Means of OpenHAB Software Platform. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55, 11, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.08.054, 90-95. SJR (Scopus):0.32 Q3 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Dimitrov, V., Yoshinov, R., Naidenov, N.. Digital Transformation and the Role of the CIO in Decision Making: A Comparison of Two Modelling Approaches. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13293, Springer, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10539-5_7, 93-106. SJR (Scopus):0.41 Q2 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Dimitrov, V.. Assessing of Energy Consumption Balance Index Formed by Various Combinations of Conventional and Renewable Sources. 4th IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC), 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/iSPEC54162.2022.10033014 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Dimitrova, Z., Naidenov, N., Yoshinov, R.. Integrated approach to assessing the progress of digital transformation by using multiple objective and subjective indicators.. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 446, Springer, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05760-1_37, 626-634. SJR (Scopus):0.3 Q3 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Keremedchieva, N.. Decision Support Approach in Evaluating the Parameters of Books for Digital Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96293-7_16, 165-174. SJR (Scopus):0.15 Q4 (Scopus)
- Borissova, D., Ivanova, T., Buhtiarov, N., Naidenov, N., Rasheva-Yordanova, K., Yoshinov, R., Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I.. Application of Information Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics when Study of 2D Geometric Shapes. 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803641, 638-643 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Guliashki, V., Borissova, D., Marinova, G.. A Decision-Making Approach for Improvement of Energy Flows Stability in Microgrids. Proceedings of 21. IFAC International Conference on International Stability, Technology and Culture TECIS 2022, October, 26-28, 2022, Prishtina, Kosovo, 55, 39, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Elsevier, 2022, ISSN:2405-8963, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.12.068, 408-412. SJR (Scopus):0.324 Q3 (Scopus)
- Guliashki, V., Marinova, G.. An Approach for Coefficients Optimization in Adaptive Filter Signal Equalization. Proceedings of 29-th IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing “IWSSIP 2022”, June 01 - 03, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, 2022, DOI:10.1109/IWSSIP55020.2022.9854470 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)
- Guliashki, V., Marinova, G.. Efficient Energy Management in a Microgrid. Proceedings of International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications CoBCom 2022, July 12th – 14th, 2022, Graz, Austria, paper CoBCom 2022 15, IEEE Xplore, 2022, DOI:10.1109/CoBCom55489.2022.9880678., 1-5 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)
- Kirilov L., Mitev Y.. Key Performance Indicators to Improve e-Mail Service Quality Through ITIL Framework.. In: Fidanova, S. (eds) Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. WCO 2021. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1044, Springer, 2022, 79-93. SJR (Scopus):0.237 Q4 (Scopus)
- Kirilov L., Bournaski E., Iliev R.. A Base Model for Water Balance of Mesta River Watershed. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 75, 12, Prof Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS, 2022, ISSN:1310–1331, DOI:https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2022.12.11, 1796-1804. SJR (Scopus):0.19, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.329 Q3 (Scopus)
- Mikhov, R., Myasnichenko, V., Kirilov, L., Sdobnyakov, N., Matrenin, P., Sokolov, D.,, Fidanova, S.. On the Problem of Bimetallic Nanostructures Optimization: An Extended Two-Stage Monte Carlo Approach. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 986, Springer, 2022, ISBN:978-3-030-82396-2, ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82397-9_12, 235-250. SJR (Scopus):0.237 Q4 (Scopus)
- Naka, E., Guliashki V.. B-VPL: A Binary Volleyball Premier League optimization algorithm for Feature Selection. Proceedings of 29-th IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing “IWSSIP 2022”, June 01 - 03, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, IEEE Xpore, 2022, DOI:10.1109/IWSSIP55020.2022.9854424 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (IEEE Xplore)
- Petrov, I.. Block criteria systematization with AHP and Entropy-MOORA approach for MCDM in selecting desktop PCs. Proceedings of 10th International Scientific Conference “TechSys 2021” – Engineering, Technologies and Systems (TechSys’21), AIP Conference proceedings, e-ISSN: 1551-7616, SJR (SCOPUS) 2020: 0.18, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, SJR (Scopus):0.189 SJR, непопадащ в Q категория (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Combined Multi-criteria Selection of Laptops for Distant Education: Criteria Weighting with AHP and Entropy/Hierarchy in TOPSIS. 2022 VI International Conference on Information Technologies in Engineering Education (Inforino), IEEE xplore, 2022, DOI:10.1109/Inforino53888.2022.9782959, 1-6 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Hybrid MCDM for Cloud Services: AHP(blocks) & Entropy, TOPSIS & MOORA (case study with QoS and QoE criteria), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference DCCN, 20-24 September 2021, Moscow. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference DCCN, 20-24 September 2021, Moscow, vol 1552, Springer, Cham,, 2022, ISSN:1865-0929, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97110-6_7, 99-110. SJR (Scopus):0.16 Q4 (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Hybrid MCDM for Cloud Services: AHP(blocks) & Entropy, TOPSIS & MOORA (methodology review and advances). Proceedings of the 24th International Conference DCCN, 20-24 September 2021, Moscow, vol. 1552, Springer, Cham,, 2022, ISSN:1865-0929, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97110-6_6, 77-91. SJR (Scopus):0.16 Q4 (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Information Systems Reliability in Traditional Entropy and Novel Hierarchy. Cybernetics and Information Technologies (CIT), 22, 3, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - BAS, 2022, ISSN:Print ISSN: 1311-9702; Online ISSN: 1314-4081, DOI:DOI: 10.2478/cait-2022-0024, 1-15. SJR (Scopus):0.42 Q2 (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. MCDM for renewable energy projects: criteria weighting with traditional entropy and novel hierarchy in combination with conventional and structured in blocks AHP approaches, Proceedings of the 9th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG 2022), 23-24 February 2022, Mashhad, Iran Status: in print; Expected indexing: SCOPUS / IEEE xplore. IEEE xplore, 2022, 1-8 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. MCDM selection of laptops in TOPSIS: criteria weighting with combined AHP and Entropy, Proceeding of the International Conference On Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management (IRTM 2022),. IEEE-Xplore, Proceeding of tch International Conference On Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management (IRTM 2022), Editors: Prof. Satyajit Chakrabarti, Dr. Omkar Rai, Prof. Sanghamitra Poddar, Prof. Anupam Bhattacharya, Prof. Malay Gangopadhyay ..., 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-7886-1, DOI:10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791583, 356-361 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Modelling and visualizing information entropy in Python. International Conference on Electronics, Engineering Physics and Earth Science (EEPES 2022) 22nd-24th June, 2022, Varna, Bulgaria., Journal of Physics (Conference Series) - JPCS, 2022, ISSN:1742-6596, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/issn.1742-6596, 1-13. SJR (Scopus):0.21 Q4 (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Multi-criteria evaluation of students’ performance in Intelligent Education Systems based on a hybrid AHP-Entropy approach with TOPSIS, MOORA and WPM. Proceedings in of the 13th ICT Innovations Conference 2021, 27-29 September 2021, Scopie, N. Mcedonia,, Vol. 1521, Springer, Cham, 2022, ISSN:1865-0929, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04206-5_6, 68-84. SJR (Scopus):0.16 Q4 (Scopus)
- Petrov, I.. Multi-criteria selection of industrial robots: modelling users’ preferences in combined AHP-Entropy-TOPSIS. 5th International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICCI), Cairo, Egypt, 9-10 March, 2022, IEEE, 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-9974-3, DOI:10.1109/ICCI54321.2022.9756084, 126-131. SJR (Scopus):0.21 Q4 (Scopus)
- Stoyanova K., Guliashki V.. Group Drop of Sustainability: Trade-Off Solutions between Low Returns and Portfolio Stability. Proc. of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Mechanics, Computers and Electrics (ICMECE 2022) 6-7 October 2022, Barcelona, Spain, 2022 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Stoyanova, K., Balabanov, T.. A combination of Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) and bisection method for solving portfolio optimization problems. Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET) 27-28 October 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IEEE, 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-9107-5, ISSN:2409-2983, DOI:10.1109/ICEET56468.2022.10007369 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Stoyanova, K., Guliashki, V.. Assets migration by means of solving portfolio optimization. Proceedings of 10. Eur. Conf. Ren. Energy Sys. 7-9 May 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022, ISBN:978-605-70842-0-0, 635-640 Национално академично издателство
- Tomov, P.. TIME SERIES FORECASTING WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. Abstracts of Dissertations, 5, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022, ISSN:1314-6351 Национално академично издателство
- Andonov, Velin, Zadrozny, Slawomir, Atanassova, Lilija. A new operation over intuitionistic fuzzy pairs. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 28, 4, 2022, 436-441 Национално академично издателство
- Bournaski, E., Iliev, R., Kirilov, L.. Incorporation of computational models to support water resources management. Proceedings of the Third Conference “Climate, atmosphere and water resources in the face of climate change”, Sofia, 14 - 15 October 2021. Climate, atmosphere and water research institute – Bulg. Academy of sciences. Sofia, Bulgaria., vol. 3, Climate, atmosphere and water research institute – Bulg. Academy of sciences. Sofia, Bulgaria., 2022, ISSN:2683-0558, 38-44 Национално академично издателство
- Garvanov, I., Garvanova, M., Ivanov, V., Lazarov, A., Borissova, D., Kostadinov, T. Detection of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based on Image Processing. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1730, Springer, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23226-8_3, 37-50. SJR (Scopus):0.21 Q4 (Scopus)
- Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I, Borissova, D.. Specific Absorption Rate Analysis of Smartphone. 22nd International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/SIELA54794.2022.9845756 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I., Borissova, D.. Computer Model for Assessment and Visualization of Specific Absorption Rate of Electromagnetic Field, Generated by Smartphone. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 453, Springer, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11510-3_21, 299-307. SJR (Scopus):0.3 Q3 (Scopus)
- Garvanova, M., Garvanov, I., Ivanov, V., Borissova, D.. Measurement and Estimation of the Magnetic Fields in Electric Vehicles. In: 22nd International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), IEEE, 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-1139-4, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/SIELA54794.2022.9845773 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Myasnichenko, V., Mikhov, R., Kirilov, L., Sdobnyakov, N., Sokolov, D.,, Fidanova, S.. Simulation of Diffusion Processes in Bimetallic Nanofilms. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 986, Springer, 2022, ISBN:978-3-030-82396-2, ISSN:1860-949X, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82397-9_11, 221-233. SJR (Scopus):0.237 Q4 (Scopus)
- Staneva, A., Rasheva-Yordanova, K., Borissova, D.. Integration Multimedia and Virtual Reality in the Online Teaching of Fine Arts. 12th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (DiPP), 12, 89–98, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.55630/dipp.2022.12.6, 89-98 Без JCR или SJR – индексиран в WoS или Scopus (Scopus)
- Бурназки, Е., Илиев, Р., Кирилов, Л.. Компютърно моделиране на хидроложки процеси и управление на речни басейни. Проф. Марин Дринов - София, 2022, ISBN:978-619-245-192-9, 340 Реномирано международно издателство
- Гарванов, И., Гарванова, М., Борисова, Д., Гарванова, Г.. Охранителна система в умен дом. VII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WINTER SESSION INDUSTRY 4.0, 7-10.12.2022 Боровец, 2022, ISSN:2535-0153, 285-287 Национално неакадемично издателство
- Гарванова, М., Иванов, В., Гарванов, И., Борисова, Д.. Измерване и оценка на магнитни полета в електрически автомобили. XIX International Scientific Congress Machines, Technologies, Materials, 2022, ISSN:2535-0221, 39-42 Национално неакадемично издателство
Актуализация: Февруари 2023