Research Associate Vladislava Grigorova
Office address:
Sofia - 1113, "Acad. G. Bonchev" St., bl. 2
Office phone: (+ 359 2) 979 24 41
Е - mail: v.grigorova{at}abv.bg, vladislava.grigorova{at}iict.bas.bg
English, French, RussianEDUCATION
- 2005 - Research Associate at the Institute of Information Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2000-2003 Post graduate student - Institute of Information Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on "Methods and Models for Choice, Evaluation, and Development of Business Information Systems"
- 1996 University of National and World Economy - Sofia, subject "Economic informatics"
- 1991-1995 - M.Sci.
- 1987-1991- High school of mathematics.
Book:- V. Grigorova, T. Atanasova, H. Daskalova, Publication in the Internet (in Bulgarian) - teaching aid, 2004, (98 p.), KTP Publishing house, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Borissova D., E. Tabakova, Vl. Grigorova. An Architecture of Web-based Application for Thyroid Disease Identifying. Trends Journal of Sciences Research, ISSN (Online): 2377-8083, ISSN (Print): 2377-8091, Vol. 2(1), 2015, pp. 46-49
- Korsemov Ch., Hr. Toshev, I. Mustakerov, D. Borissova, V. Grigorova. An optimal approach to design of joinery for renovation of panel buildings. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, ISSN: 2251-8843, Vol. 2(18), 2013, pp. 123-128.
- Borissova D., I. Mustakerov, V. Grigorova. Engineering Systems Maintenance by Optimal Decision Making Strategies under Uncertainty Conditions. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics. Print ISSN: 0204-9848, Online ISSN: 1314-409X, vol. 63, 2011, pp. 14-21.
- Атанасова Т., Хр. Даскалова, В. Григорова, Разработка на бизнес процеси и интеграционни решения в контекста на SOA, Сборник доклади от съвместен семинар на КТП, ИИТ-БАН, ИМИ-БАН с международно участие, „Моделиране и управление на информационните процеси”, София 2009, стр.6-11, ISBN 978-954-9332-55-1
- Григорова В., Интегриране на бизнес приложения чрез mаshup технологии, Сборник доклади от съвместен семинар на КТП, ИИТ-БАН, ИМИ-БАН с международно участие, „Моделиране и управление на информационните процеси”, София 2009, стр.61-64, ISBN 978-954-9332-55-1
- Bakanov Ar., Vl. Grigorova, “An Approach to Designing the Interface of the Automated Documentary System”, International Journal «Information Theories and Applications», FOI ITHEA, vol.2, number3/2008, pp. 287-289.
- Atanasova Т., Vl. Grigorova, Web-portal for Monitoring and Control of Smart Living Environment, International Workshop, Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. Theory and Applications, PROCEEDINGS, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 20- 23, IITP RAS, Moscow, 2008, ISBN 978-5-901158-09-8, pp. 115-119.
- Даскалова Хр., Вл. Григорова, “ Научен семинар - Разпределени компютърни и телекомуникационни мрежи”, Информационен бюлетин на БАН, N12(130), 12.2008, pp.13
- Даскалова Хр., Вл. Григорова, “INFRAWEBS – успешно завършен европейски проект по Шеста рамкова програма”, Информационен бюлетин на БАН, брой 8, август 2007 г., стр. 4-5
- Grigorova V., “Combination of Semantic Web Services by the Contrivance of the Current WSMO Specification”, Proceedings of the 12 Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media, Communications and Telematics Theory, Methods, Tools and Applications – Euromedia’2006, 17-19 April 2006, Athens, Greece, pp. 138-140.
- Grigorova V., “Semantic description of web services and possibilities of BPEL4WS”, International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 13, No. 2. ISSN 1310-0513 (2006): pp. 183-187.
- Daskalova Hr., V. Grigorova, “A Survey on the Integration of Enterprise Applications as a Service”, International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 13, No. 2. ISSN 1310-0513 (2006): pp. 179-182.
- Daskalova Hr., V. Grigorova, T. Atanasova, “Possibilities for Modeling and Integration of Business Processes”, CIT - Cybernetics and Information Technologies, vol. 5, N1, Sofia, 2005, BAS, pp. 35-44.
- Daskalova Hr., V. Grigorova, T. Atanasova, “Existing Approaches for Modeling and Integration of Business Logics and Processes”, Proceedings of the 11 Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media, Communications and Telematics Theory, Methods, Tools and Applications – Euromedia’2005, 11-13 April 2005, Toulouse, France, pp. 210-216.
- Grigorova V., “Analysis of Tools for Business Logic on the Base of BPEL4WS and Their Applicability to Web Services Design”, IIT/WP-201, December 2004.
- Atanasova T., V. Grigorova, "Method for Searching of Relevant Information in Heterogeneous Network Environment", Fourth Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on "INTERNET - Environment for New Technologies in Information Society", Veliko Tyrnovo University "St. st. Kiril and Metodij", 10-13 October, Veliko Tyrnovo, 2001, pp.82-89.
- Moustakerov I., V. Grigorova. "Personal Management Information Systems", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies'2001, Bulgaria, Sofia, June 21-22, 2001, pp. III.30 - (1-5).
- Ilkov Ch., V. Grigorova. "Анализ на проблемите свързани със сигурността и проектирането на автоматизирани системи за електронна търговия", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Energy and Information Systems and Technologies'2001, Macedonia, Bitola, June 7-8, 2001, стp. 710-715.
Research Projects:- SOFTWEBS - Models and Components for Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Based on Soft Computing Techniques and Methodologies (STREP) ICT-2007.1.2 Service and software architectures, infrastructures and engineering
- “Theoretical methods for distributed information networks and systems design”, Contract with Russian Academy of Science (2006-2009)
- “FP6/IST/ No 511723 (INFRAWEBS) Intelligent Framework for Generating Open Development Platforms for Web-Service Enabled Distributed Decision Support Units and Multi-Agent-Systems” (2004-2007).
- Development of a methodology and computer technology for education in virtual multimedia environment (on Festo's pneumoautomatics products basis) - Contract No ИО-05/2003 with Ministry of Education and Scientific (2003-2006).
- Executive Agency "Automobile Administration”’s web site (2004-2005).
- “Distributed computer and communication networks”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences / Russian Academy of Sciences (2001-2004).
- „Experimental IT system for distributed information networks” (2008)
- „Design-time Composer of Semantic Web Services” – Eclipse plug-in (2007)
- Development of a prototype for automatic module information system, 2002
- Development of Web sites.
Last update: April 2019