Developed software systems
- Optimization software tools for wind farm by commercial API implementation, 2016 (Screenshot)
- Business intelligence system via group decision making, 2016, (Screenshot)
- E-learning tool for visualization of shortest paths algorithms, 2015, (Screenshot)
- Combinatorial optimization modeling approach for one-dimensional cutting stock problems, 2015, (Screenshot)
- Determination the theoretical parameters of NVD considering the temperature influence, 2014, (Screenshot)
- Web Application for Group Decision-Making, 2014, (Screenshot)
- Web-based Tool for Preliminary Assessment of Wind Power Plant Design, 2014, (Screenshot)
- Wind – software system for optimal wind park design, 2009. (Screenshot)
- LIOP-1 – software system is designed to find optimal (minimal or maximal) solutions of linear and linear integer problems.
- MULTIDECISION – Multicriteria Decision Support Systems MultiDecision are designed to aid decision makers in solving different multicriteria analysis and multicriteria optimization problems. MultiDecision consists of two independent parts: 1) MKA subsystem of multicriteria analysis, 2) MKO subsystem of multicriteria optimization
- Å-TEST – software system for e-learning selftesing, (Demo)
- NVDpro - Software system for night vision devices design, 2008. (Demo)
- G-Data - Software system for combinatorial graph algorithms, 2009. (Screenshot)
- NVGpro – Web-based software system for night vision goggles design, Contract with “ÅëêîÔ” ÎÎÄ, # 210179 , 2007-2008. (Demo)
- Software system for optimal manufacturing scheduling in “RAIS” Ltd., Contract with ÌÎÍ - ÌÑÏ-201, 2006. (Screenshot)
- "C Programming Language" (abstract and content of distant learning course) (Screenshot)
- BASICS OF PNEUMATICS – e-learning multimedia course. Contract with ÌÎÍ No ÈÎ-05, 2003-2006. (Demo)
- E-teaching tesing framework (Demo)
- INFO 3 - Information system for scientific and application activities of GFI - BAS, (Screenshot)
- INFO 2 - Information system for scientific and application activities of CLHG - BAS.
- INFO 1 - Information system for scientific and application activities of IIT - BAS.
Last update: April 2024