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Гл. ас. д-р Иван Иванов Благоев

Служебен адрес: София - 1113, ул. "Акад. Г. Бончев", бл. 2
Служебен телефон: (02) 979 32 37
Електронна поща: ivan.blagoev{at}iict.bas.bg

Научноизследователски интереси

Професионална биография


     Български, английски

Образование и научни степени

Публикационна дейност

  1. I. Blagoev and D. Borissova, "Secure Techniques for Further Linux Mail Server Protection Against Compromised Accounts," 2024 5th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CIEES62939.2024.10811308
  2. Blagoev, I. (2024). Cyber Security Threats in the Public Hosting Services. In: Tagarev, T., Stoianov, N. (eds) Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience. DIGILIENCE 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1790. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44440-1_10
  3. Daniela Borissova, Zornitsa Dimitrova, Naiden Naidenov, Magdalena Garvanova, Ivan Garvanov, Ivan Blagoev, "Digitalization Challenges: A Decision-Making Model for SCADA Systems Staff Selection," WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, vol. 21, pp. 1869-1876, 2024, DOI:10.37394/23207.2024.21.152
  4. Danev V., T. Atanasova, K. Dineva, I. Blagoev, P. Petrov, N. Markov, M. Hristov, S. Stoycheva, L. Mondeshka, I. Valova, N. Valov, Ts. Mladenova. "Multisensor System for Measuring Air Components in Intelligent Animal Husbandry," 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), Ruse, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EEAE60309.2024.10600612.
  5. Blagoev I., Shalamanov V.: Development of Cyber Ranges as a Reference Environment for Digital Transformation. 2023 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), IEEE, 2023, DOI:10.1109/CIEES58940.2023.10378806, 1-1-5-5 (Scopus)
  6. Blagoev, I. Cyber Security Threats in the Public Hosting Services. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1790, Springer, Cham, 2023, ISBN:978-3-031-44440-1, ISSN:1865-0937, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44440-1_10, 63-72. SJR (Scopus)
  7. Iliev, Il., Blagoev I.: Centralized Parallel Computing as a Cloud Service for Solving Digital Transformation Problems in Smart Cities. 2023 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), IEEE, 2023, DOI:10.1109/CIEES58940.2023.10378756, 1-1-4-4
  8. Благоев, И.И.: Кибер полигони и симулатори като средства за обучение. Информационен бюлетин за киберсигурност, 9, ИИКТ-БАН, 2023, ISSN:2738-7089, DOI:https://doi.org/10.11610/cybsec09bg, 2-5
  9. Blagoev, I., Atanasova, T.. Problems of Ensuring Data Security in Digital Management of Processes in Animal Husbandry. 2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), IEEE Xplore, 2022, DOI:10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831280, 1-4
  10. Blagoev, I., Atanasova, T.. RNG Entropy Enrichment to Improve Cybersecurity in IoT and Cloud Services. 2022 International Scientific Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES),, 24th – 26th November, 2022, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, 2022, DOI:https://doi: 10.1109/CIEES55704.2022.9990782, 1-4
  11. Iliev, I., Blagoev, I.. An Approach to Improve Web Video Streaming Security and Prevent Personal Data Leakage. Information & Security: An International Journal, 53, 1, Procon, 2022, ISSN:1314-2119, DOI:https://doi.org/10.11610/isij.5306, 78-88
  12. Markov, N., Stoycheva, S., Hristov, M., Mondeshka, L., Atanasova, T., Blagoev, I., Petrov, P., Valova, I., Valov, N., Mladenova, Ts.. Smart Dairy Farm - Digitalization and Innovation. 2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), IEEE 30 June - 2 July 2022, Ruse, Bulgaria, IEEE, 2022, DOI:10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831220, 1-4
  13. Blagoev, I., Balabanov, T., Iliev, I. RSA Weaknesses Caused by the Specifics of Random Number Generation. Information & Security: An International Journal, 50, 2, Procon Ltd., 2021, ISSN:0861-5160, DOI:10.11610/isij.5028, 171-179
  14. Blagoev, I., Balabanov, T., Iliev, I. The Randomness in Shared Web Hostings. Extended Abstracts of 16th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, Fastumprint, 2021, ISSN:1313-3357, 9-10
  15. Blagoev, I.. Method for Evaluating the Vulnerability of Random Number Generators for Cryptographic Protection in Information Systems. Proceedings of Advances in High Performance Computing, 902, Springer, 2021, ISBN:978-3-030-55346-3, ISSN:978-3-030-55347-0, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55347-0_33, 391-397. SJR (Scopus):0.183
  16. Благоев, И.. Методи и средства за анализ на данни в информационни системи с използване на времеви редове. Автореферати на дисертации на Института по инормационни и комуникационни технологии - БАН, 1, 2021, ISSN:1314-6351
  17. Шаламанов, В., Благоев, И., Илиев, И.. Ниво на зрялост на кибер сигурността на инфраструктурата в домейна iict.bas.bg. IT4Sec Reports 143, 2021, ISSN:1314-5614
  18. Blagoev, I.. Neglected Cybersecurity Risks in the Public Internet Hosting Service Providers. Information & Security, 47, 1, Procon Ltd, 2020, ISSN:0861-5160, DOI:https://doi.org/10.11610/isij.4704, 62-76
  19. Shalamanov, V., Monov, V., Vassileva, G., Blagoev, I., Matern, S., Blagoev, I.. A Model of ICT Competence Development for Digital Transformation. Information & Security, 46, 3, Procon Ltd, 2020, ISSN:0861-5160, DOI:10.11610/isij.4619, 269-284
  20. Blagoev, I., Keremedchiev, D., Zankinski, I.. Population based algorithms for artificial neural networks training in perfect information games. Information technologies and control, 4, 2019, ISSN:2367-5357, 23-28
  21. Blagoev, I.. Application of Time Series Techniques for Random Number Generator Analysis. Proceedings of XXII Int. Conference DCCN 2019, DCCN 2019, 2019, ISBN:978-5-209-09683-2, 437-446
  22. Ketipov, R., Kolev, K., Sevova, J, Blagoev, I., Petrov, P., Kostadinov, G., Zankinski, I.. Trend and Seasonality Removal with Differential Evolution. Journal of Information Technologies and Control, 4, 2019, ISSN:1312-2622, 17-22
  23. Zankinski, I., Keremedchiev, D., Blagoev, I., Ketipov, R., Kolev, K., Kostadinov, G., Petrov, P.. Recursive Brute-Force Selection Operator in Genetic Algorithms. Технически университет "В. Априлов", Габрово, 3, International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2019 Gabrovo, 2019, ISSN:1313-230Х, 227-232
  24. Ivan Blagoev, Method for Evaluating the Vulnerability of Random Number Generators for Cryptographic Protection in Information Systems, международна конференция HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING - BULGARIA 2019, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2-6 September 2019, Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Impact Factor 1.73, SJR 0.183, (Q4) ISSN: 1860-9503, 1860949X
  25. Ivan Blagoev, Application of Time Series Techniques for Random Number Generator Analysis, Proceedings of XXII Int. Conference DCCN 2019, September 23-27, 2019, Moscow, Russia, pp.437-446. ISBN 978-5-209-09683-2, 2019 (РИНЦ).
  26. Ivan I. Blagoev, D. Keremedchiev, I. Zankinski, Population Based Algorithms for Artificial Neural Networks Training in Perfect Information Games, Information Technologies and Control, Print ISSN 1312 – 2622, Online ISSN: 2367-5357, No. 4/2018, Printed in 2019, pp.23-28.
  27. R. Ketipov, K. Kolev, J. Sevova, Ivan I. Blagoev, P. Petrov, G. Kostadinov, I. Zankinski, Trend and Seasonality Removal with Differential Evolution, Information Technologies and Control , Print ISSN 1312 – 2622, Online ISSN: 2367-5357, No. 4/2018, Printed in 2019, pp.17-22.
  28. Iliyan Zankinski, Delyan Keremedchiev, Ivan Blagoev, Rumen Ketipov, Kolyu Kolev, Georgy Kostadinov, Plamen Petrov, RECURSIVE BRUTE-FORCE SELECTION OPERATOR IN GENETIC ALGORITHMS (Операция за селекция в генетични алгоритми с пълно изчерпване и рекурсия), Proc. 19th International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2019 Gabrovo, 15-16 November 2019, Volume III, pp. 227-232.
  29. Румен Кетипов, Колю Колев, Жанета Севова, Иван Благоев, Пламен Петров, Георги Костадинов, Илиян Занкински, Премахване на линеен компонент и синусуидални хармоници от времеви редове с еволюция на разликите, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 27-28 юни 2019 г., Велико Търново Изд. комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, Ел. Изд. ISSN 2367-7481, 1586 - 1594 стр.
  30. Румен Кетипов, Колю Колев, Жанета Севова, Иван Благоев, Пламен Петров, Георги Костадинов, Илиян Занкински, Предварителна обработка на тренда и сезонността във времеви редове с генетични алгоритми (Time series trend and seasonality preprocessing with genetic algorithms) Международен симпозиум Управление на енергийни, индустриални и екологични системи, Управление на топлоенергийни обекти и системи (УТЕОС) 16-17 Май 2019, Банкя, САИ, ISSN 1313-2237, 65-68.
  31. Blagoev, I., Using R Programming Language for Processing of Large Data Sets, Proc. Int. Conf. Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering – BdKCSE’2018, 21-22 November 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 2367-6450, pp. 91-98.
  32. Balabanov, T., Atanasova, T., Blagoev, I., Activation Function Permutation for Multilayer Perceptron Training, International Conference on Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering BdKCSE'2018 21-22 November 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 2367-6450, pp.9-14.
  33. Todor Balabanov, Ivan I. Blagoev, Zornitsa Atanassova, Greedy Genetic Algorithm Hybrid Solution of 1D Stock Cutting Problem, International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2018, November 2018, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-230X, pp.307-312.
  34. T.D. Balabanov, I.I. Blagoev, K.I. Dineva, Self Rising Tri Layers MLP for Time Series Forecasting, Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, 21-st International Conference, DCCN 2018, Revised Selected Papers, V. Vishnevskiy, D. Kozyrev (Eds.), Springer, 2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 919, ISBN:978-3-319-99446-8, ISSN:1865-0929, pp. 577-584. SJR:0.17
  35. I. Blagoev, Improving the Momentum Oscillator Accuracy by a Method for Forecasting of Market Price Movements, Сборник доклади от межд. конференция, НВУ "Васил Левски", 14-15 юни 2018, Том 9, стр. 177-185.
  36. I. Blagoev, A METHOD FOR MORE RELIABLE USERS’ AUTHENTICATION IN INTERNET, Сборник доклади от межд. конференция, НВУ "Васил Левски", 14-15 юни 2018, Том 9, стр. 167-176.
  37. T. Atanasova, N. Bakanova, I. Blagoev, ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM OIS TO DISCOVER AND MODEL PROCESS-ORIENTED INFORMATION, Сборник доклади от межд. конференция, НВУ "Васил Левски", 14-15 юни 2018, Том 9, стр. 106-111.
  38. Blagoev, I., Atanasova, T. V., Zankinski, I. A., Dual MLP fortime series forecasting with hidden layer sharings, Proc. Int. Conf. Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering – BdKCSE’2017, 2017 pp.79-84.
  39. Иван Благоев, Николай Докев, КОМБИНИРАНЕ НА МОМЕНТУМ С ЕДИН МЕТОД ЗА ПРОГНОЗИРАНЕ НА ПАЗАРНИ ЦЕНОВИ ДВИЖЕНИЯ ЗА ПО-ТОЧНИ РЕЗУЛТАТИ (Combination of Momentum with One Method for Forecasting of Market Trends to Improve the Results), Международна научна конференция “УНИТЕХ’17” – Габрово, 2017, Selected papers, ISSN 2603-378X, pp. II-265-II-270
  40. I. Blagoev, МЕТОДИ ЗА ОПТИМИЗИРАНО ИЗПОЛЗВАНЕ НА КОМПЮТЪРНА ПАМЕТ ПРИ ЗАРЕЖДАНЕ НА ДАННИ СЪС СРЕДСТВАТА НА ЕЗИК ЗА ПРОГРАМИРАНЕ R (Methods for Optimized Use of Computer Memory during Data Loads with R Programming Languages), International Conference AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS’2017, 4-6 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, JOHN ATANASOFF SOCIETY OF AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2017, ISSN:1313-1850, pp.213-215.
  41. Ivan Blagoev, Nikolay Dokev, A Method for Investigating the Alterations in the Price Trends, PROBLEMS OF ENGINEERING CYBERNETICS AND ROBOTICS - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 65 . Sofia . 2012, pp. 39-48, ISSN: 0204-9848.
  42. Nikolay Dokev, Ivan Blagoev, Probable Risks Concerning Security in Email Communication and a Protection Approach, PROBLEMS OF ENGINEERING CYBERNETICS AND ROBOTICS - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Volume 64 . Sofia . 2011, pp. 38-51, ISSN: 0204-9848.
  43. Nikolay Dokev, Ivan Blagoev, An Approach for Automatic Transmission of Authenticated Data over Computer Networks, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 11, No 2, 2011, pp. 65-82, ISSN: 1311-9702.
  44. Nikolay Dokev, Ivan Blagoev, On an Approach towards Security of the Electronic Mail, n IIT Working Papers - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2009, ISSN 1310-652X.

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  1. Certified Cybersecurity Trainer - ThinkCyber Academy (July 19, 2024)
  2. Certificate "Penetration Testing" - THINK CYBER: A cyber security training with the cyberium arena simulator (June 08, 2023)
  3. Certificate "Intro to Cyber" - THINK CYBER: A cyber security training with the cyberium arena simulator (June 08, 2023)
  4. Certificate "Network Research" - THINK CYBER: A cyber security training with the cyberium arena simulator (May 31, 2023)
  5. Certificate "Linux Fundamentals" - THINK CYBER: A cyber security training with the cyberium arena simulator (May 16, 2023)
  6. Certificate "Python Fundamentals" - THINK CYBER: A cyber security training with the cyberium arena simulator (May 09, 2023)
  7. Cвидетeлство за успех от курса в кибер академията - Златна купа
  8. Сертификат "Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals" (Microsoft) - verify.certiport.com: wvTMr-Fa87
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