Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms for Solving Difficult Optimization Problems for Achieving High Security in Communications and Better Economic Sustainability

Project № КП-06-Н 52/7 from 19.11.2021, Funding from National Science Fund of Bulgaria - Ministry of Education and Science, Project Coordinator Prof. Vassil Guliashki


Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms for Solving Difficult Optimization Problems for Achieving High Security in Communications and Better Economic Sustainability

Scientific Areas:

Mathematical Sciences and Informatics

Project ID:

КП-06-Н 52/7 from 19.11.2021

Project Coordinator:

Professor Vassil Guliashki

Funding Organization:

The Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF), "Competition for Funding Fundamental Scientific Research – 2021"

Leading Organization:

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IICT-BAS)

Partner Organization:

Technical University of Sofia (TU - Sofia)

Abstract of the Project

In today's world, shaken by pandemics, economic crises and natural disasters, it is necessary to make decisions of different nature and arising at different levels of management, which is associated with the rapid preparing development plans, optimal schedules for the implementation of sequences of activities, exchange of data through secure communications. This requires expert knowledge and formulation of adequate mathematical models, development and use of various well-grounded methods and algorithms for highly effective solution of difficult optimization problems. The essence of the single-criteria models guarantees the obtaining a strictly optimal solution, and the use of multi-criteria models ensures the obtaining the Pareto-optimal solutions. In the case of group decision-making models, the aim is to find a suitable reasonable alternative that gives the best solution to the respective problem. In all these models and algorithms to support the decision-making process, different quantitative and qualitative criteria are taken into account.
The main goal of the project proposal is related to the formulation of mathematical models and algorithms for solving difficult optimization problems for schedules and for achieving high security in communications and better resilience in the economy in overcoming disasters and crises. To achieve this goal it is planned:

In increasing security in communications, the transmission of video, audio and text files will be considered. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) will be used to develop high-speed, low-cost and low-power communication systems. The concept models will be built using MATLAB Simulink. The hardware models will be developed using a Xilinx System Generator.
The definition of schedules includes the formulation of models and the development of methods and algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems for machine operations, as well as for the distribution of material and human resources.
Better economic sustainability is related to the formulation of models that take into account non-standard factors in pandemics, natural disasters and crises, optimal adaptation, risk minimization, as well as the development and application of modern effective methods for solving the relevant optimization problems.
The topicality of the project proposal is determined by the need to make good management decisions that correspond to current trends in the economy and the challenges facing it.