Assen Toshev
Office address:"Acad. G. Bonchev" St., bl. 2
Sofia - 1113, Bulgaria
Office phone: (+ 359 2) 979 32 10
Å - mail: a_tochev@bas.bg, tochevassen@yahoo.com
Scientific areas
- Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Approaches
English, RussianArticles in Proceedings of International Conferences
- Tochev A., Guliashki V.. Algorithm for finding a minimal makespan in FJSSP by means of particle swarm optimization. Proceedings of Papers of the 26-th NATIONAL Conference with INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION "Telecom'2018", October 25 – 26. 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, Publishing group of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Sofia, Open Access 2018, 2018, ISSN:1314-2690, 5-9
- Tochev A., Guliashki, V. Enhanced PSO Algorithm for Single-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Proc. of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech 2017), 31-th issue, (Ed. Prof. Dr. Radi Romanski), 2017, ISSN:1314-1023, 17-26
- Tochev A., Guliashki V. A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling "PSO&TS. Proc. of Int. Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST2016, (Ed. Prof. Dr. Mitrovski, C.), 2016, ISBN:978-9989-786-78-5, 231-234
- Tochev A. Heuristics and Metaheuristics for Single- and Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Proc. of Int. Conference Information Technologies (InfoTech 2016), 30-th issue, (Editor Prof. Radi Romanski), 2016, ISSN:1314-1023, 124-133
Last update: October 2019