Department „Modelling and Optimization"
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – BAS
Plamen Petrov
Informatics and Computer Science
- NSP INTELLIGENT ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, grant agreement No. Д01-62/18.03.2021/.
- NSP ICT in science, education and security (ICTinSES), approved by DCM 577/17.08.2018, grant agreement No. Д01-205/23.11.2018
- Petrov, P., Atanasova, T.: Enhancing STEM Education Through Project-Based Learning Combined with Virtual and Augmented Reality. ICERI2022 - The 15th Annual Int. Conf. of Education, Research and Innovation, Sevilla, Spain 07-09 Nov 2022, IATED Digital Library, 2022, ISBN:978-84-09-45476-1, ISSN:2340-1095, DOI:doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022, 5730-5736
- Markov, N., Stoycheva, S., Hristov, M., Mondeshka, L., Atanasova, T., Blagoev, I., Petrov, P., Valova, I., Valov, N., Mladenova, Ts.: Smart Dairy Farm - Digitalization and Innovation. 2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), IEEE 30 June - 2 July 2022, Ruse, Bulgaria, IEEE, 2022, DOI:10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831220, 1-4 (Scopus)
- Atanasova, T., Parvanov, D., Petrov, P. Models and Methods for Collecting Bio Parametric Data in Smart Farm. RAM'2021, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2021, ISSN:1314-4634, 70-73
- Dineva K., Atanasova T., Petrov P., Parvanov D., Mateeva G., Kostadinov G.: Towards CPS/IoT System for Livestock Smart Farm Monitoring. IEEE International Conference “Automatics and Informatics’2021”, SAI, 2021 (IEEEXplore Database) (Scopus)
- Petrov, P.D.; Atanasova, T.V. The Effect of Augmented Reality on Students’ Learning Performance in Stem Education. Information 2020, 11, 209. SJR (Scopus) 0.222, Q2
- Petrov, P., Atanasova, T., Kostadinov, G.. Enhancing Art education in school through augmented reality. Proc. of the 7th SWS Conference on Social Sciences (ISCSS), Vienna, December 9-12, 2020, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Austria, 2020 (Scopus)
- Petrov, P.D.; Atanasova, T.V. Developing Spatial Mathematical Skills Through Augmented Reality аnd Geogebra, ICERI2020 - The 13th Annual Int. Conf. of Education, Research and Innovation, Sevilla, Spain 09-11 Nov 2020, ISBN 978-84-09-24232-0, ISSN 2340-1095, pp. 5719-5723.(WoS)
- P. Petrov, G. Kostadinov, P. Zhivkov, V. Velichkova, Stoyan Ivanov and Todor Balabanov, Multi-Objective Optimization in Image Approximation, IEEE ICAI2020, 1-3 October 2020, Varna, Bulgaria. (Scopus)
- G. Kostadinov, T. Atanasova, P. Petrov, Reducing the Number of Incidents in Converged IT Infrastructure Using Correlation Approach, IEEE ICAI 2020, 1-3 October 2020, Varna, Bulgaria. (Scopus)
- P. Petrov, T. Atanasova, An Overview of Virtual and Augmented Realities in STEM Education, ESM 2019 ESM®'2019 -The 33rd annual European Simulation and Modelling Conf. EUROSIS-ETI, ISBN: 978-9492859-09-9, EAN: 9789492859099, pp.123-128, 2019 (Scopus)
- Ketipov R., Kostadinov G., Petrov P., Zankinski I., Genetic Algorithm Based Formula Generation for Curve Fitting in Time Series Forecasting Implemented as Mobile Distributed Computing, HPC 2019, Borovec, Bulgaria, межд. конф. HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING - BULGARIA 2019, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2-6 September 2019, Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence, IF 1.73, ISSN18609503, 1860949X SJR( Scopus):0.183, (Q4)
- Ketipov, R., Kostadinov, G., Petrov, P., Zankinski, I., Balabanov, T. Human-Computer Mobile Distributed Computing for Time Series Forecasting, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol. 1141 CCIS, 2019, Pages 503-509, 22nd International Conference on Distributed and Computer and Communication Networks, DCCN 2019; Moscow; Russian Federation; 23 -27 September 2019 SJR (Scopus):0.183 (Q4)
- P. Petrov, T. Atanasova, G. Kostadinov. Types, Technologies and Trends in E-Learning, Information Technologies and Control, (ITC), vol. 3, 2019, (отпечатано през 2020) Online ISSN: 2367-5357 DOI: 10.7546/itc-2019-0015 (ACM Digital Library)
- R. Ketipov, K. Kolev, J. Sevova, I. Blagoev, P. Petrov, G. Kostadinov, I. Zankinski, Trend and Seasonality Removal with Differential Evolution, Information Technologies and Control, Print ISSN 1312 – 2622, Online ISSN: 2367-5357, No. 4/2018, Printed in 2019, pp.17-22. (ACM Digital Library)
Union of Automatics and Informatics

Plamen Petrov
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Research interests
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