Department „Modelling and Optimization"
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – BAS
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Kristina Dineva
- NSP SD, funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria under the grant agreement No. Д01-74/19.05.2022.
- NSP INTELLIGENT ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, grant agreement No. Д01-62/18.03.2021/.
- Dineva K., Atanasova T.: Health Status Classification for Cows Using Machine Learning and Data Management on AWS Cloud. Animals, 13, 20, MDPI, 2023, ISSN:2076-2615, DOI:, 3254.SJR (Scopus), JCR-IF (Web of Science): Q1
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: Analysis of Dairy Cow Behavioral Patterns Using a Combination of IoT Data And Signal Processing Techniques. Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, 23, 6.1, STEF92 Technology, 2023, ISBN:978-619-7603-61-3, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2023/6.1/s25.14 SJR (Scopus)
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: FORECASTING WEEKLY COW MILK PRODUCTION USING A MULTIVARIATE TIME SERIES APPROACH. 23nd International Scientific Multidisciplinary Conference on Earth and Planetary Sciences SGEM 2023, 23, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Vienna, Austria, 2023, ISBN:978-619-7603-66-8, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2023V/6.2/s25.29 SJR (Scopus)
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: RECOGNISING DAIRY COW’S BEHAVIOUR WITH LSTM MODEL TO IMPROVE FARM MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 23nd International Scientific Multidisciplinary Conference on Earth and Planetary Sciences SGEM 2023, 23, 6.2, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Vienna, Austria, 2023, ISBN:978-619-7603-66-8, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2023V/6.2/s25.43 SJR (Scopus)
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.. Modelling and Simulation of Cloud-Based Digital Twins in Smart Farming. SGEM International Scientific Conferences On Earth & Planetary Sciences Extended Scientific Sessions „Green Sciences For Green Life“ Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna 6 - 9 December, 2022, 22, 6.2, SGEM Geoconference - Extended Scientific Sessions Vienna Green, 2023, ISBN:978-619-7603-52-1, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2022V/6.2/s25.31, SJR (Scopus):0.14
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T., Balabanov, T.: CLOUD DATAFLOW FOR MACHINE LEARNING MODELING ON IOT DATA IN SMART LIVESTOCK FARMING. 22nd International Scientific Multidisciplinary Conference on Earth and Planetary Sciences SGEM 2022, 22, 6.1, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Vienna, Austria, 2022, ISBN:978-619-7603-48-4, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2022/6.1/s25.09, 73-80. SJR (Scopus):0.217
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: Cloud Data-Driven Intelligent Monitoring System for Interactive Smart Farming. Sensors, 22, 17, MDPI, 2022, ISSN:1424-8220, DOI:, 6566. SJR (Scopus):0.8, JCR-IF (Web of Science):3.847
- Dineva K., Atanasova T., Petrov P., Parvanov D., Mateeva G., Kostadinov G.. Towards CPS/IoT System for Livestock Smart Farm Monitoring. 2021 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), IEEE, 2021, ISSN:978-1-6654-2661-9, DOI:10.1109/ICAI52893.2021.9639460, 252-255
- Dineva K., Atanasova T.. Expandable IoT Architecture for Livestock in Agriculture 5.0. 21st INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCE - SGEM 2021, 6.1, SGEM, 2021, ISBN:978-619-7603-30-9, I SSN:1314-2704, DOI:, 147-154. SJR (Scopus):0.22
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.. Cloud Services Providers Evaluation Model for Designing High Performance, Real-Time IoT Big Data Solutions. 8th SWS CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES (ISCSS), (Digital Society and HealthCare section) of the International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences ISCSS, 7-10 December 2021, SGEM2021, Vienna ART Conference, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Vienna, Austria, 2021, ISBN:978-3-903438-00-2 - ISCSS (hard copy), 978-3-903438-01-9 - ISCSS (CD), DOI:, 721-733
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.. Design of Scalable IoT Architecture based on AWS for Smart Livestock. Animals, 11, 9, MDPI, 2021, ISSN:2076-2615, DOI:, 2697 Q1
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.. Architectural ML Framework for IoT Services Delivery Based on Microservices. V. M. Vishnevskiy et al. (Eds.): DCCN 2020, LNCS 12563, 12563, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66471-8_53, 14, 698-711. SJR (Scopus):0.427 Q2
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.. Machine Learning Solution for IoT Big Data. 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2020, 18-24 Albena, Bulgaria, Conference Proceedings of Selected Papers, 2.1, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Austria, 2020, ISBN:978-619-7603-06-4, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:, 207-214. SJR (Scopus):0.232 Q4
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: Systematic Look at Machine Learning Algorithms - Advantages, Disadvantages and Practical Applications. 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2020, 18-24 Albena, Bulgaria, Conference Proceedings of Selected Papers, 2.1, SGEM World Science (SWS) Society, Austria, 2020, ISBN:978-619-7603-06-4, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:, 317-324. SJR (Scopus):0.232 Q4
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T., Methodology for Data Processing in Modular IoT System. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, 22-st International Conference, DCCN 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. V. M. Vishnevskiy et al. (Eds.): DCCN 2019, LNCS 11965, pp. 457–468, 2019. SJR (Scopus):0.427, Q2
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T., Integrated Systems With Embedded Sensors for Digital Agriculture. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, 19, 6.1, SGEM, 2019, ISBN:978-619-7408-88-1, ISSN:1314-2704, pp. 761-768. SJR (Scopus):0.232 Q4
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T., Regression Analysis on Data Received from Modular IoT System. Proc. European Simulation and Modelling Conference ESM’2019, EUROSIS-ETI, ISBN: 978-9492859-09-9, pp. 114-118, 2019 (Scopus)
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: Security in IoT Systems. Proceedings 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2019, 19, 2.1, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM, 2019, ISBN:978-619-7408-79-9, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2019/2.1, 576-577. SJR (Scopus):0.232 Q4
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T.: ICT-based Beekeeping using IoT and Machine Learning, Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, 21-st International Conference, DCCN 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Vladimir Vishnevskiy, Dmitry Kozyrev (Eds.), Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). 919, Springer, 2018, ISBN:978-3-319-99446-8, ISSN:1865-0929, DOI:, 132-143. SJR:0.188 Q3
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T. Applying machine learning against beehives dataset. 18-th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference - SGEM 2018, 18, 6.2, SGEM 2018, 2018, ISBN:978-619-7408-51-5, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/sgem2018/6.2, 35-42. SJR:0.232 Q4
- T.D. Balabanov, I.I. Blagoev, K.I. Dineva, Self Rising Tri Layers MLP for Time Series Forecasting, Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, 21-st International Conference, DCCN 2018, Revised Selected Papers, V. Vishnevskiy, D. Kozyrev (Eds.), Springer, 2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 919, ISBN:978-3-319-99446-8, ISSN:1865-0929, pp. 577-584. SJR:0.17
- Kristina Dineva, Tatiana Atanasova, Applications and methods for analysis and processing of data in a beehive monitoring system, Yearbook of the Department of Telecommunications, NBU, 2018, ISSN: 2534-854 X (online) No: 5, pp. 37-46.
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T. OSEMN process for working over data acquired by IoT devices mounted in beehives.Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 7, 13, University of Pitesti, 2018, ISSN:2284-953X, 47-53.
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T. Computer System Using Internet of Things for Monitoring of Bee Hives, SGEM GeoConference, 27 - 29 November, 2017, ISSN:1314-2704, DOI:10.5593/SGEM_GeoConference, 2017, Vol. 17, Issue 63, pp. 169-176. SJR:0.232 Q4
- Dineva, K., Atanasova, T., Model of Modular IoT-based Bee-Keeping System. European Simulation and Modelling Conference ESM'2017, EUROSIS-ETI, 2017, ISBN:978-492859-00-6, 404-406. (Scopus)
- Dineva, K., Analytical review of existing computer systems for monitoring of bee hives, Proc. International Scientific Conference UNITECH’2017, 17-18 November 2017, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, ISSN: 1313-230X, pp. II-148-II-152.
- Dineva, K., Internet of Things in Help of Sustainable Agricultural Development, International Conference AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS’2017, 4-6 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, JOHN ATANASOFF SOCIETY OF AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2017, ISSN:1313-1850, pp.309-312.
- Dineva, K., Exhibition CeBIT Hanover 2017, AUTOMATICА & INFORMATICS, Year L, 3/2016, ISSN 0861-7562, pp.53-55.

Assist. Prof. Dr.
Kristina Dineva
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Research interests
Office address: | Sofia - 1113, "Akad. G. Bonchev" Str., bl. 2 |
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Union of Automatics and Informatics
Award of IIKT-BAS for excellent scientific achievements in 2019 in the category "PhD students".
Young Scientist Award "Prof. Marin Drinov", competition 2021
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner – MBFM7FDLEJ4EQ93Y, 23.10.2021