AComIn: Events

3-4 October 2013 International Workshop
"Autonomic Computing and Automatic Control in Computer Systems" (ACACCS),
ACOMIN project results,
Co-event of International Conference "Аutomatics and Informatics’2013",
3-7 October, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria


Thursday, October 3th, National House of Science and Technique, Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.
PLENARY TALKS – jointly with the International Conference "Automatics and Informatics’2013"

9.30 - 10.00  PLENARY SESSIONS 1  
Place: Hall 4, Chairman: Acad. V. Sgurev
Acad. Bl. Sendov - John Atanasoff and Digital Computing 
10.00 - 10.30  PLENARY SESSIONS 2  
Place: Hall 4, Chairman: Acad. V. Sgurev
Acad. K. Boyanov - History of Computer Industry in Bulgaria 
10.30 - 11.00  PLENARY SESSIONS 3  
Place: Hall 4, Chairman: Acad. Bl. Sendov
Acad. V. Sgurev	- On the Way to the Complex Propositional Logic	
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 - 12.00  PLENARY SESSIONS 4  
Place: Hall 4, Chairman: Member  corresp. of  BAS M. Hadjiiski
Jacques Richalet - Industrial applications of Predictive Functional Control
12.00 - 12.30  PLENARY SESSIONS 5  
Place: Hall 4, Chairman: Member  corresp. of  BAS M. Hadjiiski
František Čapkovič - Cooperation of Agents in Complex Systems Based on 
Supervision 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break 13.30 - 15.30 SESSION 1 ACACCS Place: Hall 2, Chairman: T. Stoilov/E. Nikolov H. Abouaïssa - State Estimation for Traffic Flow Cell Transmission Model H. Haj Salem, N. Farhi, J. P Lebacque - Risk Index Model Bulding for Real Time
Crash Prediction on Urban Motorway Traffic A. Chariete, M. Bakhouya, J. Gaber, M. Wack - Towards a Design Space
Exploration Methodology for System On-Chip K. Stoilova, T. Stoilov, K. Nikolov - Autonomic Computing Applications for
Traffic Control
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break 16.00 - 18.20 SESSION 2 ACACCS Place: Hall 2, Chairman: K.Stoilova/ T. Stoilov N. G. Nikolova, E. Nikolov - Absorptive Repetitive Filters in the Control
Systems - part I N. G. Nikolova, E. Nikolov - Absorptive Repetitive Filters in the Control
Systems - part II PRESENTATIONS: Zhivko Angelov - Dependencies identification in large data sets D. Borissova, I. Mustakerov - Integrated structure of decision support
system for predictive maintenance of engineering systems

Friday, October 4th, National House of Science and Technique, Sofia, 108 Rakovski Str.
PLENARY TALKS – jointly with the International Conference "Automatics and Informatics’2013"

10.00 - 10.30  PLENARY SESSIONS 6  
Place: Hall 4, Chairman: Acad. K. Boyanov
John Gustafson - The Ten Fundamental Innovations of the Atanasoff-Berry 
Computer 13.30 - 15.30 SESSION 3 ACACCS Place: Hall 2, Chairman: E. Nikolov/ K. Stoilova V. Stoilova - Methods for Modelling Transport Traffic in Highways - I V. Stoilova - Methods for Modelling Transport Traffic in Highways - II A. Yonchev, J. Koleva - Modeling and Simulation of Transportation Process
in an Open Pit Mine Using Arena Software E. Paunova - Designing Games for Learning St. Dimitrov - Electronic Information System for Subscription of Scientific
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break 16.00 - 17.30 SESSION 4 ACACCS Place: Hall 2, Chairman: T. Stoilov/ E. Nikolov PRESENTATIONS: B. Vachova - Advanced Methods for Knowledge Extracting of Complex Processes T. Balabanov - Application of Genetic Algorithms for the Generation of PRNG
(Pseudo Random Number Generator for generator) formulas
V. Ivanov - Software design tool for an automatic PicoBlaze type system
St. Mishinev - Recent Achievements for Computer and Communication Network
E. Trichkova - An approach for quality assessment and effectiveness of web
based information system
Y. Boneva - Software for reports in business entities