AComIn: Advanced Computing for Innovation

Funding: FP7 Capacity Programme, Research Potential of Convergence Regions
Call: FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1
Duration: Duration: 42 months (including Evaluation by external experts in months 40-42)
Grant Agreement: 316087
Starting Date: 1 October 2012
Host organisation: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
Coordinator: Prof. Galia Angelova, Dr.Sc.
National co-financing: grant DO1-192/2014, Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
- Prof. Asen Asenov - Gold Standard Simulations Ltd. & University of Glasgow, Device Modelling Group
- Prof. Oleg Iliev - Department of Flow and Material Simulation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM)- Kaiserslautern
- Prof. Johannes Kraus - Department of Mathematics, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Prof. John Domingue - STI International
- Prof. Virginio Cantoni - Computer Vision & Multimedia Lab CVML, University of Pavia
- Prof. Ivan Kalaykov - Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems, School of Science and Technology, Örebro University
- Prof. Markos Papageorgiou - Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory, Department of Production Engineering and Management, TU Crete
- Joint Innovation Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences